Dawn, this is a great story! it’s a story about suddenly parenting or grandparenting two special needs boys when you thought you had other “bigger” plans for your life. and its a story of spiritual transformation. But the title does not give enough clues. and you can have a sub-title as well. I believe there is a huge market for the story of grandparenting two special needs kids. you didn’t use any tags and you can tag topics like parenting, grandparenting, special needs or special needs children so people can find you. Also its good to have lots of white space but you may want to have a few more longer paragraphs. Shaunta has a very recent post on this FB site about the 5 most frequent issues she addresses in our workshop calls. and get on one of the MOnday calls if you can and have your work workshopped. just suggestions…congratualtions on being off to a great start, curated or not!