I feel you, Sherry! I’m a fellow member of the precocious breasts club — if there is such a thing…I remember my Dad telling my Mom it was time for me to get a bra…which embarrassed me no end. and he didn’t stop looking then…and yes, that was before sports bras so they did have hooks and “training cups.” the brand was Peter Pan…But fortunately the damn thing didn’t try to strangle me. Where were the sensitive adults when we needed them? Boys on the street stopped me and said, “You’re pretty stacked for your age,” before I even knew what that meant. I believe this is why I tend to cross my arms over my chest and hunch over a lot — a hold over from those days that hasn’t helped my posture any…it’s amazing all the ways the universe conspires to shame us. So glad none of that stopped you from taking pride in who you are and how you look!!!