I have one word for you, Bebe: STORY!!! we writers must consume stores just like fish breathe water. Our literary gills hopefully strain out the trash and keep the gems. whether told via words or moving pictures. we have to keep feeding our well. otherwise we risk our muses drying up or becoming outdated and irrelevant. Those stories you enjoyed had riffs on well-worn tropes. like the grouchy janitor, but they don't all know chess or spawn champions!!! Godless sounds like High Noon in pantaloons! Maids sounds like this familiar story is enhanced by having mother and daughter played by mother and daughter. It worked really well for stage chemistry between Jane and Peter Fonda in, was it Four Seasons? so when your friends give you crap tell 'em Marilyn said you're doing your research and/or filling your well. that's from The Artists Way. if we dont fill our wells, they run dry. and dryness is a condition that we older women need to avoid like COVID. Nuff said except happy holidays and all the best!!!