InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip # 14: We Love You and Your Stories but DRAFTS ONLY!Besides you want to appear on top right?Oct 20, 20235Oct 20, 20235
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #13: Are you a Heavy-Handed Mad Hadder?When to use had + verb and when to use simple past tense.Sep 7, 20239Sep 7, 20239
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #12: KISS and Tell, but Keep it Simple, Sweeties!Pretend you and your reader are chatting over a nice cuppaAug 24, 20238Aug 24, 20238
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Edit Tip # 11: To Link or Not to Link, that is the QuestionAnd how to make it look nice when you doJul 13, 20238Jul 13, 20238
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #10: Handy Self-Editing Check List and Reference GuideUse this before you submit to Middle-Pause. Please.Jun 22, 202316Jun 22, 202316
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #9: Are You Getting Paid for Your Posts? Is Your Story’s Meter On?It pays to double-check before hitting submit or publishJun 16, 20231Jun 16, 20231
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #8: Don’t Touch that Button! What to Do Before Pressing Publish or SubmitLast-minute polish process to use before publishing/submitting your storyJun 9, 20234Jun 9, 20234
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #7: Every Picture Tells a Story and Every Story Paints a PictureSo have a personal story or example in your blog postJun 2, 20232Jun 2, 20232
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #6: Be Mindful of Your Tags AKA Topics and Use All FiveFollow our guidelines whenever they apply — thank you!May 25, 20235May 25, 20235
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #5: Put some TLC into Your Photo SelectionHorizontal orientation is best, photo credit’s a must!May 17, 20238May 17, 20238
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #4: Don’t Snub Your SubheadingsThey guide your readers through your storiesMay 5, 20234May 5, 20234
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #3: It’s Okay to be Spacy! In fact, We Prefer It!And so do your readers, especially ones on small devicesApr 14, 20232Apr 14, 20232
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #2: Make Headlines By Capitalizing on Your TitleHow to Format your title and your subtitle correctly.Apr 5, 20236Apr 5, 20236
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerSelf-Editing Tip #1: Bios Can Be Fun!Or not. But they’re still important.Mar 25, 20233Mar 25, 20233