InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerDear Distributors, I’m on to You!Two can play cat and mouse as easily as one…Aug 12, 20202Aug 12, 20202
InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerBless me, Father, for I Have Sinned.It’s been a whole month since my last curation.Sep 25, 20204Sep 25, 20204
InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerJust When I Was About to get my Top Writer Badge in Curation, they Yanked the Rug out from Under Me!It’s all my fault, y’all!Oct 9, 202013Oct 9, 202013
InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerHere I Am on the Distribution Divan, WaitingAll dolled up and “open for bizness”Sep 21, 20207Sep 21, 20207
InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerMedium Ups Distribution While Scaling it Back at the Same TimeYet another parlor trick from Ev?Apr 24, 20216Apr 24, 20216
InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerAha! Distribution Secret Out of the Bag!It’s the Pictures, Y’all, Not Your Words!Jul 24, 20207Jul 24, 20207
InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerOh, the Pieces You’ll Submit Without Getting a HitEven Dr. Seuss was far less obtuseAug 4, 202024Aug 4, 202024
InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerAha! Distribution Secret Out of the Bag!It’s the Pictures, Y’all, Not Your Words!Jul 24, 20207Jul 24, 20207