InThe Write BrainbyMarilyn FlowerGoing Pro: Overcoming Fear on the Journey from Blogging to Book to Bestseller Bliss!I love you, Ninjas! Couldn’t get published without all your support!Aug 4, 202110Aug 4, 202110
InHumor! Authenticity! Magic!byMarilyn FlowerI did it again! Bucket Listers, Get Your Brave On is Published!How to Do the Thing You’re ‘Too Old’ & ‘Too Scared’ to DoOct 5, 202139Oct 5, 202139
InHumor! Authenticity! Magic!byMarilyn FlowerOne Year Later and My Blog to Book Project is a Bestseller!So I’m humble, grateful, and dancing my little arse off!Aug 3, 202145Aug 3, 202145
InMuddyUmbyMarilyn FlowerLosing My Virginity Finally at Age 67!And other miscellaneous metaphors about blogging and publishingAug 9, 20212Aug 9, 20212
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerIs Writing and Publishing a Book on Your ‘Do Before I Die’ Bucket List?It was on mine, so I blogged a book about Bucket Listers!Oct 7, 20214Oct 7, 20214