InSpirit AlchemybyMarilyn FlowerHow I Honor Melancholy as My Companion, Archetype, and Creative MuseAnd with her loving presence stave off Demons, Depression, and DespairJul 6, 20232Jul 6, 20232
InSpirit AlchemybyMarilyn FlowerMy Heart Called for Healing and the Water Dancer AnsweredWith affirmations and SoulCollage® to support my urinary tractJun 7, 202310Jun 7, 202310
InSpirit AlchemybyMarilyn FlowerHow I Use SoulCollage® to Explore Archetypes that Move My SoulSometimes it’s fun to let my soul surprise me with which oneApr 23, 20235Apr 23, 20235
InSpirit AlchemybyMarilyn FlowerExploring My Sacred Wild Woman Soul Self Out Loud and in PrintBecause Spirit Alchemy is a great place to so do!Feb 26, 20238Feb 26, 20238
InSpirit AlchemybyMarilyn FlowerHow I Follow a Four-Fold Path of Spiritual Growth and DepthAs articulated by Dr. Matthew Fox in his life-affirming Creation SpiritualityFeb 3, 202315Feb 3, 202315
InSpirit AlchemybyMarilyn FlowerHow I Harness the Victim Archetype’s Healing Energy to Reclaim My Power When Feeling HurtIt starts with respecting myself so I can teach or make others respect me.Mar 8, 202315Mar 8, 202315
InSpirit AlchemybyMarilyn FlowerHeartfelt Healing Lessons on Passionate Creativity from the Sacred Prostitute ArchetypeFrom the Red Mother to Babalon to Baubo, the Belly GoddessMar 17, 20239Mar 17, 20239
InSpirit AlchemybyMarilyn FlowerHow I’m the Sacred Fool, of Course, in all Her Guises and DisguisesFor when she asks, Who am I? Which archetype is most alive in my life?Feb 7, 202310Feb 7, 202310
Borja GarciaRegal Roles. The Queens That Rule MoviesExploring the queen archetype in films, this article examines different types, storytelling, and the impact of these characters in moviesJan 22, 202423Jan 22, 202423
InThe Art of FictionbyJuneta KeyUsing Archetypes To Create Strong VillainsAntagonists, nemeses, and villains, oh my, creating the rival hero journey!Jun 7, 20233Jun 7, 20233