InLong. Sweet. Valuable.byElspeth RaisbeckThe Death Book. How To Make One And Why You Should.Who’s going to sort your affairs after you die?Dec 10, 20242Dec 10, 20242
InHumor! Authenticity! Magic!byMarilyn FlowerSave the Last Dance for DeathWho has no sense of humor and whose timing sucksAug 5, 2019Aug 5, 2019
InNursing NotesbyElspeth RaisbeckIf You Care For Someone Who’s Dying, Do These Things.We get one chance to get it right.Sep 25, 202420Sep 25, 202420
InMystic MindsbyMarilyn FlowerHealing Tears, Holy Tears, God Holds Them AllThe spiritual gifts and blessings of cryingJul 13, 202422Jul 13, 202422
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyMarilyn FlowerMustering the Heart and Courage to Confront my Inner Shadows and Emerge StrongerWith willingness, prayer, and trust in the power of my loveAug 9, 202317Aug 9, 202317
InBlue InsightsbyMarilyn FlowerWhen Little Souls DieWe cry, yes, and so much more…Sep 14, 20246Sep 14, 20246
InRefresh the SoulbyMarilyn FlowerLearning to Make Friends — or at Least Accept — Death and GriefA hard, but necessary lessonAug 24, 20245Aug 24, 20245
InMystic MindsbyMarilyn FlowerMy Soul Speaks to My Grieving Heart Through the Language of ImagesGoing deep and healing with the help of SoulCollage®Jul 19, 20248Jul 19, 20248
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerI Could Have Done Better by Mommy in Her Final DaysAnd now I’m beating myself up about itJul 5, 202415Jul 5, 202415
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerWhat Comforts You? And/or How Do You Comfort Yourself?The more ideas the better, right?May 27, 202413May 27, 202413
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerTaking Care of Yourself When Times Get ToughWhat can you do to improve your self-care?Jun 17, 202411Jun 17, 202411
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerWhat To Expect When Grieving? Anything and Everything!There’s no ‘one size fits all’Jun 21, 202429Jun 21, 202429
InMystic MindsbyMarilyn FlowerGrief as a Dance with the Sacred Dimensions of LifeAn opportunity to deepen my spiritualityJun 23, 20244Jun 23, 20244
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerHow Do You Deal with Grief and Loss?Is it just an ending? Or also a new beginning?Jun 24, 202412Jun 24, 202412
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMarilyn FlowerHonoring My Mom With a SoulCollage® CardOne of the many ways we honored her memory and legacyJun 23, 20247Jun 23, 20247
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerMom’s Going to Rehab and I Have COVIDAnd my talk on self-editing tips has been canceledMay 23, 202413May 23, 202413
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMarilyn FlowerMom Just Went on Hospice — Now We Have a Decision To MakeGo to Long Term Care or be cared for at homeMay 28, 202415May 28, 202415
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyMarilyn FlowerI’m Taking my Mom out of Long-Term-Care so She Can be Cared for at HomeIt only took one unfortunate event to convince me to do this.Jun 3, 202416Jun 3, 202416
InMiddle-PausebyMarilyn FlowerGoodbye, Sweet Mommy. I Miss You AlreadyTalking that final walk; breathing that final breathJun 9, 202424Jun 9, 202424
InThe MemoiristbyJacqueline DooleyDying is Inevitable. Accepting This Takes Practice.Helping my child die was not about hanging on. It was about letting goAug 9, 202334Aug 9, 202334