Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

Climate Change

17 stories

a boy and girl about ten and twelve climbing trees
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

inspiration & motivation & change

58 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

death dying funerals, etc.

40 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

Work and productivity

12 stories

gold circle
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower


69 stories

A homeless child sleeps in a box as an angel hovers behind them. in front, Santa has his bag of toys, with a finger over his lips. Shhh! Behind them all is a sparkly Chrsitmas tree. Merry Christmas!
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

film and theater

20 stories

Capybara, lemur, retriever and cat in the movie “Flow”
Adrien Brody in The Brutalist
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

Short Stories

28 stories

a close up on a woman’s eyes from a semi-profile
a boy and girl about ten and twelve climbing trees
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower


70 stories

Adrien Brody in The Brutalist
A picture showing the novel.
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower


25 stories

Adrien Brody in The Brutalist
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

addiction & recovery

43 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

Inner Lstening

4 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower


102 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

spiritual humor

5 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower


75 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

food and recepies

13 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower


14 stories

a table piled high with tiers of goodies, cakes, fruit, pastires, of all kinds,high in carbs, fats and SUGAR!!!
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

Health and healing

59 stories

a table piled high with tiers of goodies, cakes, fruit, pastires, of all kinds,high in carbs, fats and SUGAR!!!
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

My boosted stories

21 stories

A statue of Mother Mary in her turquoise robe, agaisnt a winter backdrop of bare trees and what looks like snow
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower


9 stories

Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower


15 stories

weathered Boats anchored on the banks of a river in India at sunset. a blue one in the foreground.
Marilyn Flower

Marilyn Flower

Friend of Medium

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?